Therapies provided by Mike Way

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Provided by Mike Way

Homecare Advice

Following most ‘Body Work’ or ‘Healing’ Treatments you may experience any of the following:


  • Light-headed feeling
  • Excessive urination
  • Slight reddening of the skin
  • Changes in body temperature
  • Slight detachment from reality
  • Slight headache
  • Tiredness
  • Shivering
  • Stiffness

These are all perfectly natural effects due to changes that are taking effect in the mind and body; in most cases the feelings will pass very quickly.

Following most treatments, you are advised to:

  • Allow a period of rest before undertaking any strenuous activity, normally between half an hour and an hour is sufficient for the body to assimilate the changes that have been made.
  • Drink plenty (between 1.5 and 2 litres) of clear still water, sparkling water, or the addition of a light cordial is OK to improve the taste of the water.
  • Avoid alcohol and spicy food the same day as the treatment.

You may like to consider YOGA, Pilates or Tai-Chi as possible exercise regimes; these allow gentle controlled body movement and stretching to enhance general health. Following a General Bodywork Treatment: you may find that over the following 24 to 36 hours the condition that has been treated may become worse, this is as the treatment take effect. Following the initial period of discomfort the symptoms will abate.

Following a Hopi Ear Candle Treatment some discharge from the ears may be found for a period of 24 to 48 hours. This is perfectly normal as not all the residue from the ears will be cleared by the candle; you can use a cotton bud, gently inserted into the ear canal to remove any excess residue from the Ear.

Following a Hot/Cold Stone or Lava Shells or Thai Hot Herbal Compress Therapy some reddening of the skin may be seen, this is a perfectly normal reaction to increased blood flow in the skin, an increase in Urination is also perfectly natural as the body is releasing toxins that require to be discharged.

Following a Foot SPA Detox you may feel very energetic and find that your breathing is easier, you may also find that your urine will be dark in colour following the treatment, this is your body dumping toxins from your organs, this is perfectly natural, you should drink plenty of still clear water to help your body flush itself through.

Following a Massage some reddening of the skin may be seen, this is a perfectly normal reaction to increased blood flow in the skin, an increase in Urination is also perfectly natural as the body is releasing toxins that require to be discharged.

Following a Healing Treatment you may experience a period of euphoric feelings, the release of physical and emotional trauma often leaves you feeling tired but revitalised.

In some cases long term anxieties and emotional issues may be released following a treatment, this can result in a drop in body temperature or ‘crying’ for a period of time, this is a natural release process that allows pent up emotion to be vented.

You are advised to rest for a period of 30 minutes to an hour following a treatment; this is to allow the mind and body to assimilate the changes and to reach a new state of balance.

Should you experience any of the above symptoms and feel that you have any concerns then you are advised to consult an appropriately ‘Qualified Medical Practitioner i.e. your GP’.

07876 567459

07876 567459

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